How many games in a season?

Depending on the age group and number of teams per grade, the number of games can vary between 15 and 18 games per season excluding finals.

The Autumn Season runs during Term 1 and Term 2, Spring Season runs during Term 3 and Term 4.  Registration is required for each season.

I am looking for a team to join what do I do?

Please email the club registrar  registration@sandysaints.com.au.

If a spot comes available we will try and find you a team.

How much does it cost to play?

Refer to the Registrations page for season fees . New players must also purchase a club uniform. Spectators and Senior players U20 and above can either pay $4 door entry or a season pass using the Stack Team App $25 from the SBA. SBA link

Which days are the games played?

Monday U12 & U18 Girls

Tuesday U14 Girls

Wednesday U16 Girls

Thursday U10 Boys & Girls

Friday U9 Boys & Girls

Saturday U12, U14, U16, U18A/B Grade Boys

Sunday U18 C/D Grade Boys, U20-U23 Girls, U21 Boys  

Where are the games played?

Games are played at several stadiums including;

SBA Stadium at Tulip Street,  Mentone Girls Secondary College, Parkdale Secondary College, Mentone Grammar School.

Where do teams train?

Sandy Saints teams train at various venues in Bayside including Sacred Heart Primary School, Sandringham Secondary College . Not all teams are guaranteed an indoor court due to the high demand from many clubs across Bayside. Teams are not allowed to train at a venue not endorsed by the club due safety and public liability

Where do I get a uniform?

Uniforms can be purchased online  through Impact Sports and delivered to your home.  Refer 

Who provides a Team Manager and Coach?

Allocating Team Managers and Coaches are the responsibility of each team. The club is run by volunteers and does not have the resources to find coaches and TM's. Typically the roles are filled by volunteer parents. Older siblings or players could also be an option if relevant. Coaching arrangements, and any payments are negotiated between the coach and the individual team.  All Coaches and Team managers must also complete child safety training.

What are the player pathways beyond Sandy Saints club level?

Players can try out for Representative Basketball each year around September. Refer to the SBA website for try out dates and details. The SBA also run development programs and camps to further develop player skills.

Game results and player stats.

It is the scores' responsibility to ensure the correct scores are entered and confirmed at the end of each play period. Please note that neither the SBA or SS are able to amend the scores after the conclusion of the game.