Additional Information
All players should attend all fixtured competition games regardless of extreme weather. If games are cancelled due to heat the Club will advise team managers and coaches who in turn will contact their players. Heat policy can be found at the SBA website.
To help us be aware of any medical conditions and achieve the best results with all players we ask that you make your Team Manager and/or Coach aware of any medical conditions which may alter the way in which your child is coached.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child has any required medications during training and at games and are available to administer medication if required.
The Club supports SBA Social Media Policy based on Basketball Victoria’s Policy.
The Club has an annual Family Day. Trophies and awards are presented to players and teams in recognition of their efforts.
We encourage all members to attend the presentation day which is traditionally held at Sacred Heart Parish Primary School in Sandringham.
There maybe a representative of the SBA (usually a Sabres NBL1 Player) who attends this day to present the awards and trophies to the children.
The Club provides ONE trophy for any team that wishes to provide these to a player(s). These trophies are provided annually after the Autumn season at Family Day.
If this is your team’s first season with Sandy Saints, each member of your team will receive a medal to mark their 1st season of basketball with the club as an encouragement award.
The Coach can decide the category of the award (i.e MVP, most improved, best team player). Prior to Family Day an email and form will be sent to the registered Team Managers asking for nominations.
All enquiries regarding trophies should be directed to
The Club values and welcomes your feedback on improving our club. Please provide feedback to the Committee via the President at
Any parent is welcome to attend the Committee meetings which are held regularly every 4-6 weeks. If you would like to attend a meeting or add an item to the agenda please contact the Club Secretary at beforehand.
Any person who feels unhappy with the behaviour of another participant, parent or official should speak to the Team Manager at the end of the game. We do not encourage parents to raise the issue directly with an opponent participant, parent or official. The Team Manager can choose to speak with the opposition Team Manager or raise the complaint with the Club’s President via
The complainant will be contacted by the Club’s President to discuss the best course of action. If appropriate and required the Club President will raise the complaint with the relevant Club’s President in an effort to resolve the complaint.
Any person who feels dissatisfied with an action or outcome should raise the matter either in writing with the President by completing the Complaints form that is on our website. The President will review the issue and respond to the complaint after consideration.
The Club believes that all players deserve to be treated fairly, and have a right to play basketball fairly in every game. Every effort is made to ensure that each player is placed in a team where they can develop their game by contributing to their teams on game day and at training. Given the dynamic and fast moving nature of basketball, coaches need to adopt different approaches throughout the course of the game. While it is the Club’s policy that it leaves playing time to the discretion of coaches, generally, every listed player within a team should play and receive fair court time over the course of a game and season. Fair play means that when all players behave appropriately, show up to all training on time, exhibit a good attitude and try their best, then they all deserve to play in every game. Fair play is not the same as equal play, it is not possible for coaches to guarantee equal court time. At any one time, coaches need to think about issues such as:
Have they got the right mix of players for the offence and defence?
Do players understand team offensive and defensive structures and are they carrying out their roles in game situations?
Have they got the right match- ups in terms of size, speed and tactics?
Likewise, there are several other situations that prevent equal play, for example: If a player misses a training session without reason, if a player is injured, if a player displays poor attitude, shows lack of respect to others, uses inappropriate language or actions or uses excessive force.
If a player is not getting the court time that they think they deserve it is likely that one or more of the above will be the reason why. Players are encouraged to talk freely to their coach one on one about any issues they have with court time.
If a player or parent is concerned about their court time, the Club encourages the player/parent in the first instance to speak with the Coach and/or TM. If the parent does not feel that the issue has been resolved then the parent is welcome to contact the Committee for further assistance.